Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jeremy Kyle............................. they get paid and should they get free Dental Treatment?

Surely these people get paid to go on this show?

Never have I seen such a bunch of misfits and losers........and if they do not get paid the producers should at least stick them in front of a good dentist.............their breathe must stink!

Jeremy Kyle............................. they get paid and should they get free Dental Treatment?
haha! everytime i watch the show i wonder if they chew on bricks for their meals! and the people who go on there really are scruff, you would never see me going on tele in old tatty trainers and a tracksuit! i have yet to see 'normal' every day people to go on. they are all off their heads, on drugs, or got too many sexual partners to count! give me some normal problems!!
Reply:that is why they are chosen for their theatrical value

look at x factor its the same thing cute and sweet verses ugly and social outcast
Reply:lol, i agree! i have nice teeth so if i had any problems i would never get on the show! lol!

I do feel sorry for some of them though, some of them do have it really hard.
Reply:Can't believe anyone can go on TV looking the way they do and washing their dirty linen in public

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